Annual Award for Scientific Research

Believe that the rank and progress of nations are measured by the extent of their care and interest in scientific research and the quality of its outputs, and the extent of its support and encouragement to invest in research results, serve the community,

Education Without Borders – MIDAD Foundation, in cooperation with Mercy Without Limits, announces the annual award for scientific research in the name of:

“The Educator Jamil Abdulrahim Award, may Allah have mercy on him”, to encourage scientific research in the universities of the north of Syria.

Two doctoral and two master’s papers will be selected for each of the five majors through a specialized scientific jury.

Award Amount:

6000 TL for PhD student

4000 TL for a master’s student

Submission date:

Registration starts on February 17, 2022, and ends on March 31, 2022.

Registration link:

It is mentioned that Mr Jamil Abdulrahim, may Allah have mercy on him, is one of the well-known figures in the field of education and one of the pioneers of the scientific movement in Syria. He firmly believed that the progress of nations comes with science and knowledge and worked on that throughout his life as a teacher, director and representative of teachers in Syria.