Registration starts at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazit University for freshers
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi
University overview :
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit State University was established in 2010 AD. Its actual educational activity began in 2011.
- Selection dates:
Recording started: 05/05/2017
Registration ends: 14/07/2017
Deadline for sending papers: 19/07/2017
Announcing the results of the first list: 11/08/2017
Install the registry: From 21 to 25/08/2017
Announcement of the results of the second list: 28/08/2017
Install the registry: From 05 to 07/09/2017
Announcing the results of the third list: 06/09/2017
Install the registry: From 08 to 15/09/2017
- The required paperwork:
High school diploma translated and attested
Transcripts translated and certified
Passport or Kamlik card
International certificates (if any)
Bank payment receipt for non-Syrians (Syrians are exempted if they have a Kamlik card)
Note: The papers should be sent in colour, that is, similar to the original, in order to be accepted for evaluation.
- Registration conditions:
Must be a foreign student (not hold Turkish citizenship).
He must be a student in the last year of high school or have finished high school.
- Registration method:
The form must be filled out through a link at the bottom of the article, printed and sent with the required papers to the university to the address:
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, AyvalıMah. Takdir Cad. 15 TemmuzBinası, ÖğrenciİşleriDaireBaşkanlığıEtlik /KEÇİÖREN /TÜRKİYE
Payment to register for the trade-off:
Foreign students (non-Syrians) must pay a registration fee of 100 TL, and the payment is made as follows:
IBAN NO: TR 28 0001 2009 1940 0006 0001 20
After the payment is made, the receipt must be taken for registration and sent with the required documents.
Form link :
Press here
Important dates :
Press here
Registration requirements and accepted certificates:
Press here
University website :
Press here