Registration begins for completion at Kahramanmaras University

Kahramanmaraş Sütç İmam Üniversitesi

The date of laying the foundation stone of Kahraman Marach Suzhou Imam University dates back to 1992. The Turkish government has deliberately put the name of the city of Kahramanmaraş on the university to raise the scientific, civic and cultural value of the city, “Kahramanmaraş City”. The second part of her name is Suzhou Imam; It is narrated that he was in the city of Qahraman Maraash, a pious imam who secured his livelihood by selling milk, which in Turkish means “sut” and with the addition of “cho” the meaning becomes the imam, the milk seller, “Ali.” The Imam, the milk seller, “Ali”, attended the period of the Armenian and French occupation of the city of Kahramanmaraş during the First World War “1918”, On one of the days, while the imam was leaving the bathroom, on October 31, 1919, He drew his attention to the presence of some Armenian and French soldiers intercepting 3 Turkish women and telling them, “These lands are not Turkish and Islamic anymore, These are territories occupied by the French state. It is forbidden to walk around with the veil.” The soldiers were forcibly removing the veil from the women..


Completion comparison:

  • There is no start and end for application. The university opens its doors throughout the academic year.
  • The required paperwork:
  • Message “Dilekçe”
  • A copy of a valid passport or as a holder
  • Detecting signs
  • college life
  • baccalaureate cartoon
  • Material characterization
  • /4/ personal photos
    All papers in original copies, translated and certified by the Notari (in Turkey exclusively)


Note : The university applies the 2013 decision. It does not accept the papers of students enrolled in universities before the year 2013. It is preferable to attach a copy of the university’s decision for completion.

  • Registration method:

Registration is by handing over the papers to the College Student Affairs.


Resolution link:
