Due to we care about the future of our youth

We contributed to the founding of the university

We supported students with university scholarships

Now let’s go to what’s next

A package of projects that we will work on implementing with you during the coming period, which aims in its entirety to raise the scientific and living standards inside Syria, which are:

1- A project to prepare 1000 programmers from Syrian university students (Information Engineering Department – Computer Programming Institute – or interested amateurs) to support them and develop their capabilities with the aim of facilitating their accession to the remote labour market. This is according to a three-year time plan

2 – A campaign to plant 500,000 fruitful and forest trees in the liberated areas… according to a three-year time plan

3 – The award of Professor Jamil Abdulrahim, (may God have mercy on him), for encouraging scientific research in the universities of the north of Syria