Registration begins at Uludag University for freshmen
It is a public university established in Bursa in 1975. In the beginning, its name was Bursa University, and its name was changed to Uludag University. Led by reason and science, Uludag University aspires to educate its students to respect the national principles with the cultural and historical values of the country. The university contains 13 colleges, 4 institutes, 4 institutes of higher education, 15 higher vocational institutes, 5 departments associated with the university’s presidency, and 20 research and applications centers.
local ranking: 23
International Ranking: 1291
- First comparison:
Registration begins: 25/5/2017
Registration ends: 6/6/2017
Announcement of results: 30/6/2017
Confirmation of registration for accepted students: From 3 to 14/7/2017
- The second comparison:
Announced date: 18/8/2017
Registration begins: 21/8/2017
Registration ends: 25/8/2017
Announcement of results: 8/9/2017
Confirmation of registration for accepted students: From 11 to 15/9/2017
- The required paperwork:
- A copy of the high school diploma
- A copy of the translation and certification
- A copy of your passport or passport
- A copy of the IOS certificate or one of the accepted certificates, which is mentioned in the attached link.
- Photograph.
Acceptable Certifications :
The university did not accept the Syrian or Saudi certificate, but it did not accept the Jordanian, Lebanese or Palestinian certificates, and it accepted the YOS and SAT certificates.
- Registration conditions:
Must be a foreign student (not hold Turkish citizenship).
He must be a student in the last year of high school or have finished high school.
- Registration method:
Registration is through the registration link below, filling in your data correctly and attaching the required documents within the specified period of registration.
Registration link:
Available seats:
University fees:
Registration dates:
Accepted Certifications: