MIDAD Foundation, in cooperation with the Bevol International Platform for organizing and developing volunteer work, held a breakfast banquet attended by more than 70 personalities representing about 35 institutions, universities, volunteer teams and student teams of 6 different nationalities, at the Foundation’s headquarters in Istanbul, where the ceremony began with the reading of verses from the Holy Quran and then followed that Welcome dear guest.
The promo of the activities and events of MIDAD Center was presented, in addition to the promo of the announcement of the establishment of the platform and the promo of the idea of ​​the platform and the way to work in it, then the first paragraph concluded with prayer until the call time for Maghreb’s prayer.
After our guests had their breakfast, the meeting’s paragraphs resumed with a speech by the Director-General, who at the outset reiterated welcoming the guests and praising their fruitful interaction and cooperation with the platform. Then he referred to the talk about entering the platform into the actual experimental phase of all the events and activities that take place through it, and he conveyed to the guests some distinctive models that give hope and pride, among which was a transcontinental volunteer mission (implemented remotely), which was announced by a Canadian foundation,that mission is implemented by 5 volunteers from 4 nationalities and on three different continents
And other events that reflect the role of the Bevol platform in enhancing the performance of institutions for their social responsibility and the integration between Arabs, Turks and all other nationalities in a fruitful and constructive harmony in which volunteer efforts and energies are directed to the development and prosperity of societies.
And other models that predict the success of the experimental phase and then the preparation for the electronic launch phase, which will take place in five countries: France, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar and Syria.
The Director-General concluded his speech by wishing everyone success in achieving their noble goals in serving their communities.